Démocratie, droits de l’homme et genre

Démocratie, droits de l’homme et genre


The African Union (AU) sanctions unconstitutional change of government by, among others, suspending the member State from participating in AU activities in accordance with Article 23 of the ACDEG. A thriving democracy must rest on solid pillars that guarantee its existence and sustainability.


These modules will consolidate the participants’ understanding of democracy and human rights on the continent

Understanding basic principles of human rights and rights protection mechanisms in Africa

Provide content on democratisation, democratic pluralism and culture

Gender parity in member countries and in institutions

Create a network of citizens aware of ACDEG's guiding principles on democracy, human rights and gender

Course outline

1- Building blocks of democratisation

2-Democratic pluralism and culture

3- State of human rights in Africa

4-  Freedom of Expression  in Africa

5- Women Rights (Gender issue in Continental and International level)

Course requirements

The DEG MOOC is free and open to everyone.


A quiz at the end of each module will allow participants to assess themselves. This evaluation will be based on the content of the videos.

In addition to this systematic evaluation, participants will have the opportunity to ask open questions on the MOOC forum.

Teaching team

Course instructor: Fatou Jagne, Jurist and Human rights expert

Course instructor:Glory Cyriaque Hossou, Jurist and Human rights specialist, Amnesty International Benin.

Course coordinator: Majda Chafoui, officer at European Partnership for Democracy

Responsable MOOC AfricTivistes
Dernière mise à jour 20/01/2023
Temps d'achèvement 47 minutes
Membres 221