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Access a course

Start with course 1 and click on "Access the course"

Participate in courses

Take the quizzes and participate in the discussion forum

Validate your training 

Complete all 5 courses and take the quizzes

Evaluation and certification

Recevoir vos certificats de fin de parcours pédagogiques

5 courses and about 30 modules

Médias sociaux

For any information, suggestions or questions

The Democracy, human rights and gender course modules are available and accessible free of charge on this platform. 


MOOC on “Democracy, Elections and Governance in Africa”

An open framework for knowledge building and learning on citizen engagement 

Read more 

who can benefit from the program? 

The distance learning programme is open to citizens from all African countries and beyond. 

It is intended for youth from community-based organisations (CBOs), members of civil society organisations (CSOs), bloggers, web activists and media professionals.

How to join ?

The programme is open to the public and accessible to anyone upon registration.

Registration is free and allows prospective learners to agree to the pedagogical and evaluation conditions. 

Register Here

What is a course? 

A massive open online course is made up of a set of modules, provided by instructors with an undeniable level of expertise.

The courses are free of charge and the flexible learning rhythm is adapted to various profiles.

Post-module knowledge assessment

At the end of each module, an assessment (quiz) will allow learners to test their own knowledge. This assessment will be based on the content of the videos and the additional resources.

You will be certified after obtaining at least 80% of the correct answers in the assessment

This programme is supported and implemented by AfricTivistes as part of the Charter Project Africa dans le cadre du Charter Project Africa

The Charter Project Africa is a pan-African project that focuses on the commitments embodied in the African Charter on Democracy, Elections and Governance (ACDEG) - the African Union's central policy document for advancing democratic governance in African Union member states

Nos partenaires

Project Co-funded by the European Union from January 2021 to June 2024